Welcome to Malum.

The Payments Platform for Everyone.


Find Out More Malum.

Malum is an payment processor aiming to help the higher risk business industry.

Providing Reliable Solutions for High-Risk Industries

Malum offers robust support tailored to meet the unique needs of high-risk businesses, ensuring efficient, secure payment processing.

  • Customized Service

    Our services are designed to provide flexibility and ease, facilitating seamless transactions even in complex markets.

  • Industry Leading Security

    We employ cutting-edge security measures to protect transactions and minimize risks associated with high-risk sectors.

At Malum, we understand the intricacies of high-risk payment processing and are dedicated to providing solutions that not only meet but exceed your business needs.






Coffee's consumed


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Check our Services

Fraud Detection

We monitor every transaction and customer. If something stands out our system will flag it.

Billing API

We offer a public API so you can make your own integration.

Plugins & Addons

We offer a variety of plugins and addons for different store systems such as Woocommerce.



We have been using Malum for a while now and we are very happy with the service. The support is great and the system is very easy to use.



Simple to setup and easy to use. Payout came almost instantly after requesting it.



Finally we are able to offer our customers a way to pay without the risk of chargebacks.


Check our Pricing

Our Pricing is simple and easy.


0.3$ + 5%/ txn

  • Merchant Account
  • Transaction Explorer
  • Instant Payouts
  • API Access
  • Support within 72 hours + LiveChat
  • Starting at 0$ Transaction Volume


custom / txn

  • Merchant Account
  • Transaction Explorer
  • Instant Payouts
  • API Access
  • Support within 8 hours + LiveChat
  • Contact Us


Frequently Asked Questions

Most asked questions, answered here!

  • Malum is a payment processor that allows you to accept payments without the risk of chargebacks. We offer a variety of services such as a public API, plugins and addons for different store systems and much more. We offer a simple pricing model that is easy to understand. We offer a merchant account that can be opened within 2 minutes, no questions asked, no kyc. We offer instant payouts, once a payout has been requested its broadcasted immediately. We offer a fraud detection system that monitors every transaction and customer. If something stands out our system will flag it. We do not enforce restrictions. Everyone can use our services.

  • You can make a payment through an Internet browser from any device, including a smartphone.

  • Data is securely protected and encrypted in accordance with PCI DSS 3.2 Level 1 by our partners. User data is encrypted during transmission. We do not store any sensitive data on our servers.

  • Make sure that the sender has access to transactions on the Internet, the card balance is sufficient for the transfer, and try again. Funds are held on the sender's card and debited only in case of successful authorization to credit funds.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or issues, please contact us.

Our Address

Office 961, House of Francis, Ile du Port, Mahe, Seychelles.

Email Us

support {at} malum {dot} co


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